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  1. Japón, México, 1992. Thriller, Policiaco, Drama. 86. Sinopsis. In a nightmare city inhabited only by criminals and police, a mystic detective finds a tool to catch a villainous outlaw. Based on the short story “Death and the Compass” by Jorge Luis Borges. Sinopsis.

  2. Death and The Compass. Un detective (Peter Boyle) y un reportero judío investigan un vínculo místico con una serie de asesinatos. 1 h 22 min 1992. 13+

  3. In a totalitarian future, in a nightmare metropolis, inhabited only by criminals and police, Erik Lonnrot, a gifted detective, investigates a series of strange murders and disappearances that seem to implicate a insane crime lord. (Re-released in 1996 as a feature film, 86 minutes.)

  4. Plot Death and the Compass Lonnrot, een onfeilbare detective, verklaart de oorlog aan de beruchtte misdadiger 'Red Scharlach' nadat deze een zeer vermetele overval heeft gepleegd. De mysterieuze moord op een priester geeft Lonnrot een aanwijzing welke hem en inspecteur Treviranus leiden naar de 'Liverpool bar' op zoek naar de ontvoerdde tipgever Gryphius.

  5. Death and the Compass is a film directed by Alex Cox with Peter Boyle, Miguel Sandoval, Christopher Eccleston, Zaide Silvia Gutiérrez .... Year: 1992. Original title: Death and the Compass. Synopsis:You can watch Death and the Compass through Rent on the platforms: Spamflix

  6. 25 de mar. de 2022 · Honorable Mention Back in the Eighties, there was an almost ridiculously faithful TV movie adaptation of Edgar Allen Poe's Murders in the Rue Morgue made for CBS. I say "ridiculously" because it followed nearly every detail of the original (except for an added romantic subplot but we knew they'd stick that in!) but replaced Poe's…

  7. One of the largest lists of directors and actors by MUBI. The actors on this list are ranked according to MUBI users rating