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  1. (双语字幕),ted演讲:放弃做一个好人,ted演讲:树立正确的恋爱观,明白恋爱的本质,【ted演讲】想拥有完美的婚姻,请先拥有一个完整的自己!,【ted演讲】请假装成功,你就会真的成功!(上)(中英字幕),【ted演讲】为什么我再也不看a片了?

  2. In this highly personal talk from TEDMED, magician and stuntman David Blaine describes what it took to hold his breath underwater for 17 minutes -- a world record (only two minutes shorter than this entire talk!) -- and what his often death-defying work means to him. Warning: do NOT try this at home.

  3. 25 de feb. de 2011 · David Blaine pulls out a woman's teeth, leaving two wholes in her mouth. He then put them back in place, just by blowing out.Official Store: https://shop.dav...

  4. David Blaine talks of his passion for testing the limits of the body and of his journey towards breaking the world record for holding breath.

  5. World-class magician David Blaine reflects on the contrasting lives of his parents, including the many ways his mother showered him with love and the stark, ...

  6. TED Talks - 英語字幕・日本語字幕の同時表示プレーヤーを使って効果的な英語学習 - TEDMEDから、マジシャンでありスタントマンでもあるデイビッド・ブレインが、水中で17分間息を止めた-世界記録(このトークよりほんの1分短いだけ!)-体験談と、彼の死と隣合わせの仕事の意味を語ります。