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  1. Watch the Cucumber School video lesson on installing Cucumber for JVM languages here. Cucumber-JVM is published in the central Maven repository. You can install it by adding dependencies to your project. Make sure the Cucumber version is the same for all Cucumber dependencies.

  2. Cucumber-JVM is a pure Java implementation of Cucumber. You can run it with the tool of your choice. Cucumber-JVM also integrates with all the popular Dependency Injection containers.

  3. This tutorial will tell you how to get started with Cucumber-jvm in Java. It is intended as a brief, easy guide. For more examples on how to use Cucumber with Java or Kotlin, check the...

  4. 17 de mar. de 2024 · This tutorial gives an introduction to Cucumber, a commonly used tool for user acceptance testing, and how to use it in REST API tests. In addition, to make the article self-contained and independent of any external REST services, we will use WireMock, a stubbing and mocking web service library.

  5. Cucumber is a Java library with extensions for different tools and platforms. It is launched by running JUnit 4, JUnit 5, your build tool, your IDE or the CLI.

  6. 25 de oct. de 2017 · En este artículo veremos como ejecutar un test automatizado con Java/Selenium a través de un proyecto Maven, generando un feature de Cucumber y ejecutando el test invocando al servicio de Appium.