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  1. Lewis Lewis Anthonio, que cambió su nombre a Cornelius Robinson, el futuro padre de Wilbur, es el protagonista de la película animada de Disney de 2007, Meet the Robinsons. Su voz es la de Daniel Hansen y Jordan Fry como un niño, y Tom Selleck como un adulto. Lewis fue derivado del cuento original…

  2. As an adult of 42 years old, Cornelius Robinson is highly passionate in his inventions to improve the lives of humankind. As a result, his pure dedication and charisma were what led him to be highly regarded as "Father of the Future" and "Inventor Extraordinaire'.

  3. Cornelius Robinson. Cornelius es el padre de la familia Robinson y uno de los personajes más importantes de la historia. Es un inventor genial, que ha creado una gran cantidad de máquinas y gadgets que hacen la vida en el futuro mucho más fácil. Es un hombre amable y cariñoso, que siempre está dispuesto a ayudar a su familia y amigos.

  4. Lewis, later known as Cornelius Robinson, is the future biological father of Wilbur and the main protagonist of Disney's 2007 feature film Meet the Robinsons, and cameo character in the video game. He was voiced by both Daniel Hansen and Jordan Fry (who also portrayed Mike Teavee from Charlie...

  5. Cornelius Robinson, the future father of Wilbur Robinson, is the protagonist of Disney's animated feature film, Meet the Robinsons. Lewis was derived from the original A Day With Wilbur Robinson storybook as a friend of Wilbur that served as the narrator as he visited his friend's large and...

  6. Cornelius Robinson es el padre de Wilbur y se le conoce como "el fundador del futuro". Es un asombroso inventor y el querido propietario de las Industrias Robinson. Franny Robinson es la efervescente madre de Wilbur, quien ha descubierto la manera de enseñar a las ranas a cantar y tocar música al estilo de las orquestas de jazz.

  7. To make the future a better place for everyone and have a family. Allies. Wilbur Robinson, Franny Robinson, Michael Yagoobian, Mildred, Mr. Willerstein, Lucille, Carl, Lefty. Enemies. DOR-15, Bowler Hat Guy (formerly)