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  1. Commands. !help: Shows the player how to access certain features. ;cmds: (ONLY FOR PRIVATE SERVERS) Access a list of all in-game commands. /e hands: Makes the players avatar's hands go up. Keyboard Shortcuts. G: Holds the gun in a Safe Position. F: Enable/disable flashight on guns (only works for a small amount of guns).

  2. ;accessory ;av ;badge ;ban ;beans ;bring ;canreset ;clearstarter ;clear ;clientlogs ;cmds ;commands ;config ;cteam ;deltools ;fly ;forcebeans ;freecam ;freeze ;f ...

  3. 24 de jun. de 2021 · Estas son las listas de comandos de emotes y comandos de administrador válidos que existen para Roblox. Te explicamos en sencillos pasos cómo puedes usarlos en tus juegos.

  4. Join the Jenkins Patrol TODAY: LINK:

  5. Level up message. Levels are a main progression system beside ranks for some Department of Corrections jobs in the game. Levels can give you a Firearm, a job in the Department of Corrections and access to the Votekick system. More levels the players has more exp points it will requires to level up.

  6. Join the Jenkins Patrol TODAY: LINK: