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  1. 11 Clerk: Would you like anything else? 5 Clerk: Of course! We have it in blue, silver and red. 1 Clerk: Good morning ma’am. May I help you? 12 Customer: No, thanks. How much is it? 2 Customer: Good morning sir. Yes, please. 4 Customer: I like this dress.

  2. 11 Clerk: Would you like anything else? 5 Clerk: Of course! We have it in blue, silver and red. 1 Clerk: Good morning ma’am. May I help you? 12 Customer: No, thanks. How much is it? 2 Customer: Good morning sir. Yes, please. 4 Customer: I like this dress. Could you show me more colors? 6 Customer: Oh, they are nice, but I’m not really sure.

  3. 11 Clerk: Would you like anything else? 5 Clerk: Of course! We have it in blue, silver and red. 1 Clerk: Good morning ma’am. May I help you? 12 Customer: No, thanks. How much is it? 2 Customer: Good morning sir. Yes, please. 4 Customer: I like this dress. Could you show me more. colors? 6 Customer: Oh, they are nice, but I’m not really sure ...

  4. 29 de jun. de 2023 · Sales clerk: Is there anything else I can help you with? Carla: no, thank you, that’s all. Sales clerk: Great. Have a nice day!

  5. 23 de mar. de 2022 · Por suerte, el uso de WOULD LIKE en inglés corresponde al fácil. Es decir, al de la condicional. Sin embargo, a veces la traducción en español te hará creer que se trata de un verbo distinto, ya que admite varias posibilidades en su interpretación.

  6. Sales clerk: Sure. Would you like anything else? Tourist: No thanks, that's everything. Here's my card. Sales clerk: Would you like a bag? Tourist: Yes please. Sales clerk: They're an extra $0.25 Tourist: Umm, no that's okay, I can put it in ...

  7. 6 de nov. de 2017 · Type of English: General English. Tags: shops and services travel and leisure shopping shopping Situation based. Publication date: 06/11/2017. In this dialogue-aided lesson, students learn and use words for different souvenirs. Learners listen to a conversation between a tourist and a shop assistant, and practice buying souvenirs.