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  1. Hace 1 día · German activist Clara Zetkin, Russian revolutionary Aleksandra Kolontái, and many other feminist Marxists of the late 19th and first half of the 20th century had already fought to explicitly address the specific oppressions to which women were subjected and not to leave the resolution of their problems to a hypothetical collapse of capitalism.

  2. Hace 2 días · In the Social Democratic Party of Germany's women's section, she met Clara Zetkin, whom she made a lifelong friend. Between 1907 and his conscription in 1915, she was involved in a love affair with Clara's younger son, Kostja Zetkin, to which approximately 600 surviving letters (now mostly published) bear testimony.

  3. Hace 1 día · August’s intellectual and political inspiration came not only from his parents but also from Clara Zetkin, Friedrich Westmeyer, and other left-wing Social Democrats close to the family. After completing his doctorate in linguistics in 1907 and spending some time studying in Munich, London, and Oxford, ...

  4. Hace 15 horas · El 2 de abril de 1922, reformistas y revolucionarios de tres Internacionales rivales se reunieron en Berlín en un intento de acordar un programa común. Fue la última vez en décadas que comunistas y socialdemócratas se encontraron como camaradas declarados.

  5. Hace 15 horas · Darum sprudelt im Zetkin-Park noch immer kein Wasser. Der Brunnen am Platz der Freiheit in Wittenberge läuft seit Dienstagvormittag. Wittenberge hat drei Brunnen. Mit allen gab es technische ...

  6. Hace 1 día · Dieses Event ist schon lange kein Geheimtipp mehr, sondern ein Must-Visit auf dem WGT – das Viktorianische Picknick im Clara-Zetkin-Park. Die Veranstaltung mit den historischen Outfits gibt den ...

  7. Hace 1 día · 29.05.2024 11-13 Uhr Infostand Clara-Zetkin-Str. / Reichenbacher Str. (vor dem Kiosk 2 Linden) 31.05.2024 15-18 Uhr Infostand Postplatz Ecke Berliner Str. 01.06.2024 9-12 Uhr Infostand Platz der Friedlichen Revolution zur Naschallee; 07.06.2024 15-18 Uhr Infostand Postplatz Ecke Berliner Str. 08.06.2024 14-18 Uhr Infostand Marienplatz

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