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  1. Hace 58 minutos · On the horizon, Bleecker will premiere “Rumours,” a dark comedy with Cate Blanchett and Alicia Vikander, at Cannes, and it is gearing up for this summer’s “The Fabulous Four,” which ...

  2. Hace 18 horas · I would go work for Cate Blanchett as a maid for the day in a film if I could, I’m a big fan. But suddenly, she was doing this play [ When We Have Sufficiently Tortured Each Other ] and I got a ...

  3. Hace 18 horas · MADRID, 15 May. (CulturaOcio) -. La película en imagen real de The Legend of Zelda, la exitosa franquicia de videojuegos de Nintendo, ya está en camino. Hay que recordar que su personaje ...

  4. Hace 18 horas · Stando a quanto rilanciato da World of Reel, Cate Blanchett (FOTO) farà parte del nuovo film di Guillermo Del Toro. Massima riservatezza sulla natura del progetto. guillermo del toro, cate ...

  5. Hace 18 horas · Additionally, they tune in to Cate Blanchett's and Tyler Perry's lively morning program, The Daily Rip. Attempts to capture the attention of the social media-obsessed public and navigate the 24-hour news cycle in the six months leading up to the comet's arrival turn out to be quite hilarious.

  6. Hace 18 horas · Avstralska igralka Cate Blanchett bo septembra na filmskem festivalu v španskem San Sebastianu prejela nagrado donostia za življenjsko delo. Kot so po poročanju francoske tiskovne agencije AFP zapisali organizatorji, je Blanchett " ena izmed vodilnih igralk sodobne kinematografije " s " kariero, ki združuje avtorski film z ugajanjem množicam ".

  7. Hace 18 horas · Cate Blanchett et Alicia Vikander présenteront pour leur part Rumours, une œuvre signée Guy Maddin et Evan Johnson, dans laquelle des dirigeants du G7 doivent rédiger une déclaration sur une ...