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    avedon in the american west

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  1. 12 de dic. de 2016 · In the American West, serie fotográfica emblemática de Richard Avedon, desafía los estereotipos del oeste americano al presentar retratos monumentales de sujetos sencillos, destacando la fragilidad humana y generando controversia por su interpretación subjetiva, pero perdura como una obra monumental que trasciende la historia de la fotografía.

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      In the American West, serie fotográfica emblemática de...

  2. 24 de ene. de 2011 · He wants to portray the whole American West as a blighted culture that spews out casualties by the bucket: misfits, drifters, degenerates, crackups, and prisoners-entrapped, either literally or by debasing work.

  3. In the American West was published and exhibited at the Carter in 1985. Avedon’s dramatically large portraits, some up to 4 feet tall and 11 feet long, shocked visitors with their stark detail, emphasizing the westerners’ trials, but also their determination and humanity.

  4. 25 de abr. de 2023 · Mr. Avedon had achieved cover-of-Newsweek renown for his chronicling of fame, culture, power and influence in late 20th-century America. He knew little of the West, save those same myths he’d...

  5. 1 de ene. de 1985 · In the American West. Hardcover – January 1, 1985. A master of American fashion and art photography turns his artistry to capturing--in a series of photograph portraits--the cowboys, roustabouts, drifters, gamblers, bar girls, and others who characterize the modern Western experience.

  6. Uno de sus trabajos más importantes fue In the American West. En este trabajo recorrió el Oeste americano fotografiando gente de a pie pero con el mismo estilo con el que fotografió a las grandes personalidades.

  7. This exhibition of Richard Avedons evocative portraits of the people of the American West, commissioned by the Carter, uses the subjects’ faces, clothes, and postures to convey not only their hard living but the full embrace of human existence.