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  1. 29 de jun. de 2022 · ビジネス英語「apple to apple(アップルトゥアップル)」の日本語の意味や例文を紹介。apple to appleは、「同一条件の比較」という意味。「ライセンス費用だけの比較ではなく、開発費や運用費まで含めないとapple to appleになりません。」「It is much better and clear to have apple to apple comparisons.」のように ...

  2. 8 de oct. de 2020 · Compare apples to applesの意味は『全く同じ条件で比較をする』という意味です。 どういうことかと言うと、例えばあなたがスーパーにりんごを買いに行ったとしましょう。スーパーAではリンゴが1つ5ドル、スーパーBではリンゴが1つ7ドルで販売されています。

  3. 25 de jul. de 2014 · @tchrist I find it interesting that the "apples and oranges" phrase bothers you so much. In my opinion, the similarity of the two items being juxtaposed is essential to the meaning of the statement. One might successfully argue that apples and oranges have more traits in common than they have traits to differentiate them.

  4. 30 de oct. de 2017 · In other words, this study did not compare apples to applesapples to oranges, in fact. It may be that Proposition 47 offenders do return to state prisons at lower rates, but the statistics in ...

  5. 24 de ene. de 2018 · 上司やクライアント先に『アップルトゥアップル (apple to apple) の比較になっていますか?』と言われたことはありませんか? 私も以前、アメリカの同僚に言われたことがあるのですが、最初は『リンゴとリンゴの比較ってどういう意味?』と疑問に思ったものです。 このapple to apple comparison ...

  6. 28 de may. de 2023 · Usage of “apples to apples”. “Apples to apples” is typically used when comparing similar products, services, or situations. For example, if you’re trying to decide which car to buy, you would want to compare cars with similar features and price ranges to ensure you’re making a fair comparison. This phrase is also commonly used in ...

  7. The phrase "an apple to apple comparison" is correct and usable in written English. It is typically used to mean a comparison between two similar things or ideas, in an attempt to make the comparison fair by excluding any external factors. For example, you might say, "To make a fair comparison between the iPhone and the Samsung Galaxy, we ...