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  1. Armed with little more than their humour, songs, and of course, their yellow submarine, the Fab Four tackle the rough seas ahead in an effort to bring down the evil forces of bluedom. When The Beatles' spectacular feature, Yellow Submarine, debuted in 1968, it was instantly recognisable as a landmark film. By merging the visual splendour of ...

  2. 27 de dic. de 2021 · When the music-hating Blue Meanies take over Pepperland and freeze everyone within it, including the protectors, Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band, Captain Fred (Lance Percival) and his Yellow Submarine recruit The Beatles to help save Pepperland. Along the way, they fall through the Sea of Time, Sea of Nothing, Sea of Holes, and more.

  3. 「イエロー・サブマリン」( Yellow Submarine )は、ビートルズの楽曲である。レノン=マッカートニーの作品だが、リード・ボーカルはリンゴ・スターで、イギリスで発売されたビートルズのシングル曲で唯一スターがリード・ボーカルを務めた楽曲である。

  4. Yellow Submarine te invita a participar activamente de la protección de las ballenas y los océanos adoptando una ballena franca austral. Conocé las Ballenas que podés Adoptar. Puerto Pirámides: Primera Bajada al Mar Puerto Madryn: Av Roca, 59. Local 2.

  5. Tracce. Testi e musiche di John Lennon e Paul McCartney. Yellow Submarine – 2:06; Eleanor Rigby – 2:06; Brani Yellow Submarine. La canzone è stata registrata il 26 maggio e il 1º giugno 1966 agli studi di Abbey Road.. La pubblicazione del singolo come anticipazione all'album segnò una svolta epocale per il mercato discografico e commerciale, in quanto fino a quel momento l'unica prassi ...

  6. 24 de dic. de 2021 · ever since sixth grade yellow submarine has been one of my favorite movies of all time. i rarely actually watch movies all that much, too, so it's a real treat. lately i've been kind of struggling with finding the stuff i want to watch for free online, so seeing it uploaded here just brings the biggest smile to my face!!! lots and lots of love.

  7. Yellow Submarine est une chanson des Beatles parue le 5 août 1966.Composée pour Ringo Starr, il s'agit d'une chanson pour enfants dans laquelle la mélodie du couplet est composée par John Lennon et celle du refrain par Paul McCartney.Les Beatles l'ont travaillée en studio les 26 mai et 1 er juin 1966, la deuxième séance faisant appel à de nombreux amis du groupe, pour les chœurs et ...

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