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  1. 2023年現在、「x-men」シリーズとmcu(マーベル・シネマティック・ユニバース)のつながりはありません。 しかし「x-men」シリーズ8作目である「デッドプール」シリーズはmcuの1部とされており、今後mcuにx-menが登場する可能性はあります。

  2. comicvine.gamespot.comx-men › 4060-3173X-Men (Team) - Comic Vine

    The X-Men are a superhero team of mutants founded by Professor Charles Xavier. They are dedicated to helping fellow mutants and sworn to protect a world that fears and hates them.

  3. comicvine.gamespot.comx-men › 4060-3173X-Men Members - Comic Vine

    The X-Men are a superhero team of mutants founded by Professor Charles Xavier. They are dedicated to helping fellow mutants and sworn to protect a world that fears and hates them.

  4. 映画『x-men:ファイナル ディシジョン』(2006年)では、突進攻撃を得意とする怪人として描かれたジャガーノート。 彼はミュータントにカテゴリーされることもありますが、実際には生まれついてのミュータントではありません。

  5. A founding member of the X-Men, Dr. Hank McCoy is a mutant possessing animal-like strength and agility. Despite being covered in blue fur and resembling a ferocious beast, Hank possesses an ...

  6. Lorna Dane is Magneto's daughter. She was recruited by Professor X as Lorna Dane before taking the name of Polaris in X-Men, vol 1. #47 (1976).

  7. Legion´s legacy - Xtractor. During the war between the Avengers and the X-Men Xavier took David to Merzah the Mystic to learn how to control his vast powers. With the help of Merzah, adopting ...

  8. comicvine.gamespot.comx-men › 4050-137402X-Men (Volume) - Comic Vine

    X-Men last edited by Frankthetankk on 12/25/23 12:11AM View full history Ongoing series, continuing from the 6th volume of X-Men. Collected Editions. X-Men by Gerry Duggan Vol. 1 ...

  9. Jean Grey 128. Jean Grey was one of the five original X-Men. An omega-level mutant telepath and powerful telekinetic, Jean has gained near limitless powers as a recurrent host of the Phoenix Force.

  10. XxINSTANTKILLxX This user has not updated recently. 4: 0: 21: 3: Forum Posts Wiki Points Following Followers; Navigation. Summary; Images (2) Forums Posts Comments; Lists (1)

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