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  1. William Pierce (1933-2002) was a white supremacist leader who founded the neo-Nazi National Alliance in 1974 and led the group until his death in 2002. During much of this time, the National Alliance was the largest neo-Nazi group in the United States, and Pierce was one of the highest-profile white supremacist leaders.

  2. William Luther Pierce III fue un neonazi, supremacista blanco, autor antisemita y comentarista político estadounidense. Durante más de 30 años, fue uno de los individuos de más alto perfil del movimiento nacionalista blanco. Pierce era físico de profesión, escribió las novelas Los diarios de Turner y Hunter; bajo el seudónimo de Andrew Macdonald.

  3. William Luther Pierce III., Pseudonym Andrew Macdonald (* 11. September 1933 in Atlanta, Georgia; † 23. Juli 2002 in Mill Point, West Virginia) war ein US-amerikanischer nationalsozialistischer Publizist. Er war Gründer und Leiter der National Alliance und ein Angehöriger von George Lincoln Rockwells American Nazi Party (ANP).

  4. William Luther Pierce III (11. září 1933 – 23. července 2002) byl americký fyzik, spisovatel a aktivista, který byl profesorem fyziky na Oregonské státní univerzitě a zároveň přibližně třicet let až do své smrti jedním z nejvýznamnějších bílých nacionalistů v USA.Nejvíce proslul sepsáním románu Turnerovy deníky, který publikoval pod pseudonymem Andrew Macdonald.

  5. 20 de abr. de 2024 · Kevin Alfred Strom (Editor) · 13 September, 2023. This week we honor William Luther Pierce, the founder of Cosmotheism, of the National Alliance, and of National Vanguard on the 90th anniversary of his birth by presenting classic articles of his, nearly all of which haven’t appeared on this site since their original publication more than two

  6. William Luther Pierce. Date. 1976. Name of Author. William Luther Pierce. Body. “A hundred years ago, before the Jews came flooding into our country and taking over our mass media and our educational system, we might not have really needed answers. We just knew that it was important for our race to survive and to make progress.

  7. 26 de feb. de 2022 · This contains all ten volumes of The Power of Truth, Our Cause and misc. American Dissident Voices broadcasts, as well as Dr. Pierce's reading of The Turner Diaries, which he authored under the pseudonym Andrew Macdonald.