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  1. 4 de jun. de 2018 · Women want partners who have integrity, relational sensitivity, and can offer intimacy in physical, emotional, and compassionate ways. Skip to main content Mobile Navigation.

  2. 28 de sept. de 2017 · What do women want? You’re going to have to ask them. That’s the conclusion of the largest study to analyse the diversity of female sexual pleasure, published in the Journal of Sex and Marital ...

  3. Learn more about the full cast of What Women Want with news, photos, videos and more at TV Guide

  4. What Women Want - Quello che le donne vogliono, scheda del film di Nancy Meyers, con Mel Gibson, Helen Hunt, Marisa Tomei, Alan Alda e Ashley Johnson, leggi la trama e la recensione, guarda il ...

  5. What Women Want Título Latino: Lo que ellas quieren Año | País: 2000 | Estados Unidos Duración: 130 min. (2 h. 10 m.) Género: Comedia, Romántica País: Estados Unidos Año: 2000 Fecha de Estreno: 15 diciembre 2000 Clasificación: 13 Rodaje (Dónde se rodó): Dresden Room Restaurant - 1760 N. Vermont Avenue, Los Feliz, Los Angeles ...

  6. Stream 'What Women Want' and watch online. Discover streaming options, rental services, and purchase links for this movie on Moviefone. Watch at home and immerse yourself in this movie's story ...

  7. What Women Want. Runtime: 2:6. About. Nick Marshall (Mel Gibson), an advertising executive and swinging bachelor accidentally stumbles upon the power to hear what women are thinking. Nick decides to use this newfound power to sabotage his boss Darcy (Helen Hunt) in order to further his own career.

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