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The Vassar faculty is an amazing and diverse community of scholars, artists, writers, scientists, musicians, and thinkers. They are attracted to the college by our reputation as one of the nation’s top liberal arts colleges, by the opportunity to engage with talented and highly motivated students, and by the cross-disciplinary collaborations that Vassar fosters.
2 de ago. de 2024 · Vassar is a highly rated private college located in Poughkeepsie Town, New York. It is a small institution with an enrollment of 2,436 undergraduate students. Admissions is competitive as the Vassar acceptance rate is 19%.
Vassar College es una universidad privada, situada en la localidad de Poughkeepsie, en el estado de Nueva York, en los Estados Unidos.Fue fundada por el cervecero Matthew Vassar en 1861 como una universidad solo para mujeres. Fue la primera institución que formó parte de las Siete Escuelas Hermanas, una asociación de universidades estadounidenses para mujeres, equivalente a la Ivy League ...
Poughkeepsie, Vassar’s hometown, is half way between Albany, the state capitol, and New York City. The Vassar Institute for the Liberal Arts Vassar Repertory Dance Theatre dancers in Xamayca
Vassar is actively seeking to enroll qualified men and women who are veterans of the U.S. Armed Forces. Financial Aid Vassar’s financial aid program meets 100% of demonstrated need for all four years.
瓦萨学院成立于1861年,以建立者纽约酿酒商马修·瓦萨命名。成立之初是一所 女子学院 ,最早的校名是“Vassar Female College(瓦萨女子学院)”,但这一校名很快就遭到创始者马修·瓦萨否定,因为马修希望有一天瓦萨学院能够成为男女合校的学院。 第一位瓦萨学院的教职员是天文学家 Maria Mitchell 。
ヴァッサー大学(英語: Vassar College )は、アメリカ合衆国 ニューヨーク州 ポキプシー町に本部を置くアメリカ合衆国の私立大学。 1861年創立、1861年大学設置。 リベラル・アーツ・カレッジ。著名女子大学群であるセブンシスターズの一校として設立、1969年に男女共学化を実施。