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  1. 6 de nov. de 2020 · V for Vendetta landed on Blu-ray a whopping 12 years ago, and is arguably long overdue an upgrade, with Warner remastering it in full 4K for this release (or, at least, using a 4K master for it, even if they likely had it prepped for some time) and doing a solid job despite some heavily stylised and intentionally dystopian future/past stylisation in the source material.

  2. 而且,最后v让这个面具传承下去,领导人民建立无政府主义,本身又有点打到皇帝做皇帝的意味。 这是原著里的自相矛盾之处。 电影改编总的来说比较高明,符合好莱坞传统价值观,而且最后v与暴政一起毁灭的结局,个人认为是对原著的升华。

  3. 26 de oct. de 2024 · Soon thereafter, caught up in the rush of adolescent life, I drifted out of touch with comic books and their attendant fandom, only returning eight years later when I was commencing work as a professional in that fondly remembered field, to find it greatly altered.

  4. v滥杀无辜 v虐待女主 以色列屠杀平民 亚速营举纳粹旗 港废砖头拍死路人火烧路人 资本主义维护贫富阶级永存,奴役永存。 在病毒面前,资本主义懒得关心弱势群体半年。 这么多明确的事实记录,还有人在自以为v是讽刺中方。

  5. 26 de oct. de 2024 · Alan Moore (Watchmen, V for Vendetta, Swamp Thing) weighs in on toxic fandom

  6. 6 de ene. de 2018 · 电影中v是反抗的象征,是无数人梦想中的自己。 其次,电影用简单明了的语言,总结出人民与政府的关系,切中人民最关心的问题。 总而言之,V字仇杀队在硬件上合格,软件上升华,符合现代社会对公民、国家概念的新理解。

  7. 26 de oct. de 2024 · He’s not really a hermit, but a lot of people view him like that because he largely wants to put out that vibe himself lol. He talked about how he let his passport expire and never wants to leave his hometown again and never does unless he’s forced to for some unforeseen reason. Add that to his...

  8. 1 de dic. de 2009 · Purchase links: - HMV - Zavvi Release date: 22/01/2024 Status: Available to Pre-order Global re-run of the 2018 Mondo Steelbook range, previously released exclusively in Italy and Germany. On-Disc Special Features: James McTeigue & Lana Wachowski in Conversation: Looking...

  9. 影迷朋友们大多都知道,《V字仇杀队》(V for Vendetta,2005)这部曾在央视六公主播放过的知名影片已于两年前的2020年8月在国内遭到封禁,此后豆瓣电影删除了该片的词条,豆瓣读书关闭了原著页面的评论区,各大社交网站和影视类app也都禁止了关于这部电影的关键词搜索。

  10. 在未来英国的极权统治下,一位名叫伊维(娜塔莉·波特曼 饰)的年轻女子死里逃生,被一名叫v(雨果·维文 饰)的带面具怪人救出,v具有不可思议的战斗能力,其诡计变化多端,手段极其残忍。

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