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  1. THE-WUR Ranking. Unipd among the Top 250. The results of the World University Ranking prepared by the international ranking agency Times Higher Education confirm that Unipd continues to performance at a global level, placing the university within the 201-250 range globally and 4th nationally.

  2. La Universidad de Estudios de Padua está entre las más importantes universidades de Italia, y entre las más antiguas del mundo (la segunda en Italia), fundada en 1222. En 2003 tenía cerca de 65.000 estudiantes. Su sede principal se encuentra en el Palacio Bo en la ciudad de Padua.

  3. The University of Padua is one of Europe’s oldest and most prestigious seats of learning. As a multi-disciplinary institute of higher education, the University aims to provide its students with professional training and a solid cultural background.

  4. La Universidad de Padua tiene un amplio catálogo de programas de pregrado, grado y posgrados en sus 8 facultades. Por lo que podrás estudiar un programa completo y obtener un título, participar en programas de movilidad estudiantil, así como cursos de verano y de especialización.

  5. Why Padua; How to apply; Admission results; How to enrol; Key Academic Dates; Language requirement; Unibuddy: chat with our testimonials

  6. The University of Padua (Italian: Università degli Studi di Padova, UNIPD) is an Italian public research university in Padua, Italy.

  7. 25 de mar. de 2019 · Welcome to the University of Paduas online application platform for international students: your journey with us starts here! If you have been awarded an ITALIAN entry qualification title, you do not have to apply through this platform.

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