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Information for students, alumni, and parents from Illinois flagship public university, a world leader in research, teaching, and public engagement.
Es la institución insignia del sistema de la Universidad de Illinois y fue fundada en 1867. Con más de 56,000 estudiantes de pregrado y posgrado inscritos, la Universidad de Illinois es una de las universidades públicas más grandes del país.
With Illinois, our students make their dreams possible, rise to any occasion and shape the world. Join us. Here, learn more about Illinois, review our admission requirements, mark important deadlines, plan a visit or fill out an application.
LEADER IN CAMPUS ACCESSIBILITY. 52K STUDENTS in more than 250 programs. 14M LIBRARY VOLUMES, one of largest public university collections in the world. Illinois also tops lists for Department of Energy, Department of Defense Awards and USDA Expenditures.
The University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign (UIUC, U of I, Illinois, or University of Illinois) [11] [12] is a public land-grant research university in the Champaign–Urbana metropolitan area, Illinois, United States.
The University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign is charged by our state to enhance the lives of citizens in Illinois, across the nation and around the world through our leadership in learning, discovery, engagement and economic development.
Datos y clasificaciones UIUC. Explora nuestros datos y clasificaciones para comprender quienes somos, qué valoramos y cómo los estudiantes están aprovechando su capacidades en el campus y más allá. Perfil del campus. 35,000 estudiantes y 20,000 estudiantes graduados. 50 estados de los Estados Unidos y más de 100 países representados en el campus.