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  1. The legacy of Nobel laureates at St Petersburg University, the genetic collection and the history of the Twelve Collegia building: what is in the latest issue of the St Petersburg University magazine. 23 April 2024.

  2. Degree programmes at St Petersburg University are compliant with the Bologna system and comprise three levels: Bachelor and Specialist programmes with 4 and 5-year periods of study respectively Master programmes – 2 years Doctoral programmes – 3 years Every year SPbU offers 500 degree programmes and over 700 non-degree programmes available in seven main areas:

  3. The Saint Petersburg State Chemical and Pharmaceutical University (SPCPU) is a modern training and education centre producing specialists to implement all stages of the medicinal products development and manufacturing cycle, a leader in training for the pharmaceutical and related industries (medical technology industry, functional food market, h...

  4. La Universidad Estatal Química y Farmacéutica de San Petersburgo es una institución de educación superior que capacita a especialistas con educación farmacéutica, ubicada en la isla Aptekarsky del lado de Petrogrado en San Petersburgo.

  5. Historia Orígenes (1724-1821) Es aún motivo de disputa por la administración de la universidad si la Universidad Estatal de San Petersburgo o la Universidad Estatal de Moscú es la institución de educación superior más antigua de Rusia.Mientras que esta última se estableció en 1755, la primera, que ha estado en operación continua desde 1819, afirma ser el sucesor de la universidad ...

  6. Institute of Chemistry. The first Laboratory of Chemistry was opened in St. Petersburg University in 1748 by the professor M.V. Lomonosov. Since the second part of the XIX century the education in the field of chemistry at the University has met the high European standards; outstanding scientists of world reputation such as D.I. Mendeleev, A.M. Butlerov, A.E. Favorsky and others taught chemistry.