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  1. A ‘Perfect’ Weekend to Celebrate Duke History. Centennial Founders’ Day events will reflect on Dukes past and future with the help of major artists. Dukes Newest Undergraduates by the Numbers. Students Making Public History in Durham. The Road to Build a Quantum Computer.

    • Admissions

      We serve Duke University by working to create a community of...

    • Academics

      For the first time ever, this fall semester Duke will offer...

    • Research

      Welcome to the Office for Research & Innovation. The Office...

    • Global

      More than 12,000 Duke graduates live outside of the United...

    • Arts

      A Look Back at a Multi-Year-Long Initiative: “Building...

    • Schools & Institutes

      Duke Divinity School’s mission is to engage in spiritually...

    • Visit

      Duke Chapel. A new 360-degree virtual tour presents the...

    • Apply Now

      Join Our Community of Doers. The outstanding individuals who...

  2. La Universidad Duke (en inglés: Duke University) es una universidad privada estadounidense, ubicada en Durham, Carolina del Norte. En su edición de 2019, el Times Higher Education situó a Duke en el puesto número siete entre las mejores universidades estadounidenses.

  3. La Universidad Duke es una de las más selectas y prestigiosas de Estados Unidos, con excelentes programas académicos y deportivos. Descubre cómo acceder, cuánto cuesta y qué becas ofrece esta universidad en Durham, Carolina del Norte.

  4. University-wide Institutes, Initiatives, and Centers. Nicholas Institute for Energy, Environment & Sustainability.

  5. Duke University is a private research university in Durham, North Carolina, United States. Founded by Methodists and Quakers in the present-day city of Trinity in 1838, the school moved to Durham in 1892. [10]

  6. Con más de 50 carreras y 52 especializaciones impartidas en sus 10 escuelas y universidades, la Universidad de Duke brinda a los estudiantes una amplia gama de oportunidades académicas. Los estudiantes pueden elegir hasta una combinación de 437,989 programas en la Universidad de Duke.

  7. Join Our Community of Doers. The outstanding individuals who apply for admission to Duke each year continually astound us. We are always excited to welcome a new class into our collaborative community of intellectual explorers. How to apply for admissions and financial aid at Duke University.

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    universidad de duke