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  1. 汤姆·斯图里奇来自伦敦一个演艺世家,从祖父祖母到父母都是演艺界明星。他曾在温彻斯特学院上学,但是在取得A-level(全称是Advanced Level,它是英国的普通中等教育证书考试高级水平课程)之前辍学了。他的妹妹也是一名演员,弟弟在《喜剧学园》(School of Comedy)出演角色,曾在爱丁堡边缘艺术 ...

  2. Descubre todas las películas y series de la filmografía de Tom Sturridge. De sus inicios hasta el final de sus 23 años de carrera.

  3. 12 de ago. de 2022 · The Sandman's Tom Sturridge Reflects on Transforming into Dream. Tom Sturridge breaks down the grueling casting process, Morpheus’ quest, the character’s appearance, and the series’ impressive sets. After over a decade of being stuck in Developmental Hell, Neil Gaiman's comic book series The Sandman has finally been adapted for the small ...

  4. › tvurce › 53945-tom-sturridgeTom Sturridge | Č

    Tom Sturridge, celým jménem Thomas Sidney Jerome Sturridge se narodil v Londýně jako syn režiséra Charlese Sturridge a herečky Phoebe Nicholls. Má dva mladší sourozence Arthura a Matildu, kteří jsou rovněž jako Tom herci. Thomas studoval Harrodianskou střední školu, kde se také seznámil s Robertem Pattinsonem a stali se z ...

  5. Tom Sturridge wears black, naturally. He may not be in character when we speak over video, but with his pale skin and dark hair, he does resemble Morpheus, the eponymous lead character he plays in Netflix’s eagerly anticipated new series The Sandman.The show has a strong goth element, much like the Neil Gaiman comic book series that it’s based off (one could identify the visual influence ...

  6. 略歴. 劇作家でありプロデューサーの父親 チャールズ・スターリッジ (英語版) と女優である母親 フィービー・ニコルズ (英語版) の元に長男としてロンドンで生まれ、名門パブリックスクール(全寮制男子校)であるウィンチェスター・カレッジに通った。

  7. Tom Sturridge is reportedly dating swimwear designer Georgiana Huddart - and the blonde beauty looks exactly like his ex-fiancee Sienna Miller. The duo sparked romance rumours on London lunch date.

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