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  1. 4 de jul. de 2019 · Wisconsin. English - United States. Jul 4, 2019. #3. It’s an odd sentence. I would only use “by today” with a different tense, such as “I should have finished this project by today,” or I” had hoped to finish this project by today.”. To express the idea that I will have it done before today ends, I would say “I’ll finish this ...

  2. 0. Correct: Today is Tuesday. Incorrect: Today was Tuesday. We can use the simple present with 'today'. We cannot use the simple past with 'today'. We can also use the present perfect with 'today'. I have written a letter today. (Today is not finished.) We can use both the present perfect and the simple past with 'this morning'.

  3. 10 de sept. de 2012 · Generally written as two words until 16c., after which it usually was written to-day until early 20c. Similar constructions exist in other Germanic languages (cf. Du. van daag "from-day," Dan., Swed. i dag "in day"). Ger. heute is from O.H.G. hiutu, from P.Gmc. hiu tagu "on (this) day," with first element from PIE pronomial stem ki ...

  4. They’re used in different ways. If you’ve simply forgotten what day of the week or day of the month it is, say 'What day is it today?' If you want to confront your husband, wife or partner over forgetting your anniversary, say 'What day is today? See if you can remember.' –

  5. 10 de jun. de 2015 · One of the answers to this question states that "We shall discuss it in our today's meeting" is grammatically correct. To me, that sentence is clearly wrong. While in today's meeting is fine and in our today meeting is OK ish (though at the very least clumsy), there's something about the possessive there (our today's) that makes it wrong for me.

  6. 7 de ene. de 2013 · Sri Lanka-sinhalease. Jan 7, 2013. #1. I have heard some people saying today itself and tomorrow itself ( but not native speakers) to emphasize the meaning. 1. you have to do this work today itself. ( what they mean is that you have to do it within today and you cannot postpone it to tomorrow.) And the tomorrow is also used in the same way.

  7. 1 de jul. de 2005 · Jul 1, 2005. #6. The following origins of tomorrow and today show that the words evolve into single words from two words. The two word or hyphenated versions are old and until today I have never seen that spelling. Origin of tomorrow: [Middle English to morow, from Old English to morgenne, in the morning : to, at, on; see to + morgenne, dative ...

  8. 29 de feb. de 2016 · Two other options (in addition to "as from today," "from today," and "effective today") are "beginning today" and "as of today." These may be more U.S.-idiomatic forms than British-idiomatic forms (the two "from" options have a British English sound to me, although "effective today" does not); but all five options are grammatically faultless, I believe.

  9. 28 de mar. de 2014 · As of today can mean “from the beginning up until now, including today,” as in this example: As of today, only three survivors have been found. This meaning is close to the meaning of the expression so far. On the other hand, it can also mean “starting today and going forward into the future,” as in this example: As of today, all ...

  10. 12 de dic. de 2016 · However (and I cannot back this up with a citation), in general, most English speakers in the US would not use "on" before "today" or "tomorrow." There are also interesting points about the etymology of "today" and "tomorrow" (think of the archaic usage "on the morrow") that are beyond the scope of what you're asking. Share. Improve this answer.

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