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  1. The Siege es una película de 1998 dirigida por Edward Zwick y protagonizada por Denzel Washington, Annette Bening y Bruce Willis. Narra la historia de tres agentes que deben enfrentarse a una red de células terroristas islamistas que atacan la ciudad y a la ley marcial impuesta por el gobierno.

  2. The Siege: Directed by Edward Zwick. With Denzel Washington, Annette Bening, Bruce Willis, Tony Shalhoub. The secret U.S. abduction of a suspected terrorist leads to a wave of terrorist attacks in New York City, which leads to the declaration of martial-law.

  3. › wiki › The_SiegeThe Siege - Wikipedia

    The Siege is a 1998 American action thriller film about a fictional terrorist attack in New York City. The film stars Denzel Washington, Annette Bening, Bruce Willis and Tony Shalhoub, and was directed by Edward Zwick.

  4. The Siege: Directed by Brad Watson. With Daniel Stisen, Lauren Okadigbo, Yennis Cheung, Byron Gibson. Walker is compromised and sent to a Reassignment Center, where he falls in with Elda and Juliet to survive.

  5. 16 de oct. de 2013 · Watch the trailer of The Siege, a 1998 action thriller film about a terrorist attack in New York. The film stars Denzel Washington, Bruce Willis and Annette Bening.

  6. Año: 1998. Título original: The Siege. Sinopsis: Tras el secuestro de un líder religioso musulmán por tropas norteamericanas, Nueva York se convierte en el objetivo de una serie de atentados terroristas.

  7. After terrorists attack a bus in Brooklyn, a Broadway theater and FBI headquarters, FBI anti-terrorism expert Anthony Hubbard (Denzel Washington) teams up with CIA agent...

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