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  1. El poder y la gloria (TV) es una película dirigida por Marc Daniels con Laurence Olivier, Julie Harris, George C. Scott, Martin Gabel .... Año: 1961. Título original: The Power and the Glory. Sinopsis: Corren los años 30 y un cínico sacerdote católico es enviado a México para predicar.

  2. The Power and the Glory: Directed by Marc Daniels. With Laurence Olivier, Julie Harris, George C. Scott, Martin Gabel. A cynical Catholic priest is sent to Mexico to preach. It's the 1930s and Mexican government sees the church as competition. They send a secret agent to assassinate the priest.

  3. El poder y la gloria - Película dirigida por Marc Daniels, protagonizada por Laurence Olivier, Julie Harris, George C. Scott, Martin Gabel.

  4. Película basada en la novela homónima de Graham Green dirigida por Marc Daniels (Star Trek) y protagonizada por Laurence Olivier y Julie Harris (Gorilas en la niebla).

  5. The Power and the Glory is a 1961 American TV film based on the 1940 novel The Power and the Glory by Graham Greene. It was produced by David Susskind for Talent Associates-Paramount. The production was shot for American TV but also distributed theatrically overseas.

  6. The Power and the Glory película dirigida por Marc Daniels y protagonizada por Laurence Olivier, Julie Harris y George C. Scott. Año: 1961. Sinopsis: Un sacerdote católico cínico es enviado a México a predicar. Es la década de 1930 y el gobierno mexicano ve a la iglesia como competencia.

  7. Based on Graham Greene's novel about a flawed but devoted priest in 1930s Mexico who attempts to perform his duties while eluding a police lieutenant determined to capture him. Marc Daniels.