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  1. 《萨勒姆的女巫》(The Crucible),原名《炼狱》。该剧是美国剧作家亞瑟·米勒1953年的一部作品。 剧本取材于1692年至1693年发生于马萨诸塞湾萨勒姆镇的塞勒姆审巫案。 米勒撰写该剧影射美国政府奉行麦卡锡主义,将许多所谓共产主义者列入黑名单的事件。 ...

  2. Hexenjagd ist ein Stück über den Hexenwahn in der frühen Neuzeit, aber es ist auch ein Stück über gesellschaftliche Erscheinungen, die in unserer Zeit immer wieder auftreten können. Es wendet sich gegen Angst und Massenwahn, gegen Denunziation, Gesinnungsschnüffelei und gegen den Missbrauch politischer Macht.

  3. Elizabeth Proctor. Elizabeth Proctor is another key character in ‘ The Crucible ‘ by Arthur Miller. She is the loyal and sometimes cold wife of John Proctor and a highly moral woman, a devout Christian who is very conscious of her reputation. Elizabeth has a strength that stands out among the easy-to-convince members of her community.

  4. 15 de nov. de 2020 · The Crucible is a play by American playwright Arthur Miller. Written in 1953, it is a dramatized and fictionalized retelling of the Salem witch trials that took place in the Massachusetts Bay Colony in 1692-1693. The majority of the characters are real historical figures, and the play serves as an allegory for McCarthyism .

  5. The Crucible remains charged in terms of its historical setting as well as the historical context in which it was written. During the 1950’s in America, McCarthyism arose as a judicial doctrine antagonizing any Americans suspected of sympathizing with Communist ideas. This doctrine led to the formation of the House Un-American Activities ...

  6. 1 de ene. de 1996 · Books. The Crucible: Revised Edition. Arthur Miller. Penguin, Jan 1, 1996 - Drama - 512 pages. A haunting examination of groupthink and mass hysteria in a rural community The place is Salem, Massachusetts, in 1692, an enclave of rigid piety huddled on the edge of a wilderness. Its inhabitants believe unquestioningly in their own sanctity.

  7. Arthur Miller (1915–2005) was born in New York City and studied at the University of Michigan. His plays include All My Sons (1947), Death of a Salesman (1949), The Crucible (1953), A View from the Bridge and A Memory of Two Mondays (1955), After the Fall (1963), Incident at Vichy (1964), The Price (1968), The Creation of the World and Other Business (1972) and The American Clock (1980).

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