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  1. 8 de ene. de 2015 · 1. The stigmata are located in the same places as the five wounds of Christ. 2. The stigmata all appear at the same time. 3. The stigmata appear spontaneously while the person prays in ecstasy. 4 ...

  2. Stigmata (1999) Bande Annonce Officielle VF#PatriciaArquette#GabrielByrne#JonathanPryce #NiaLong #ThomasKopache#1999#Stigmata#StigmataBandeAnnonceOfficielleD...

  3. If the stigmata really come from God, it would be unworthy of His wisdom to participate in such futility, and to do so by a miracle. But this trial is far from being the only one which the saints have to endure: "The life of stigmatics," says Dr. Imbert, "is but a long series of sorrows which arise from the Divine malady of the stigmata and end only in death: (op. cit. infra, II, x).

  4. Stigmata é um filme dirigido por Rupert Wainwright com Jonathan Pryce, Gabriel Byrne. Sinopse: Belo Quinto, uma fictícia cidade no sudeste do Brasil, recebe a visita do padre Andrew Kiernan ...

  5. The re-occurrence of these wounds, the mark of the passions of Christ, on a person, called Stigmata, is a miracle which has happened many times. This miracle is particularly pertinent to our topics: blood, power, and gender. These wounds can occur in the hands, feet, sides, or brow of a person. They are generally accompanied by blood, sometimes ...

  6. Stigmata (religie) In de religieuze betekenis zijn stigmata ( Oudgrieks: στίγματα, meervoud van στίγμα, stigma: merk of brandmerk) rode plekken, zweren of al dan niet bloedende wonden die optreden bij christelijke gelovigen en wel op die plekken van het lichaam waar, volgens de Bijbel en de iconografie, verwondingen werden ...

  7. › wiki › StigmataStigmata - Vikipedi

    Stigmata, İsa 'nın çarmıha gerilişi sırasında vücudunda oluşan yara ve lekelerin ve de acının verdiği duyarlığın ismidir. Terimin kökeni Pavlus 'un Galatlar 'a yazdığı bir mektuba dayanır. Bu mektupta Pavlus: "Bedenimde İsa'nın sahip olduğu yaraları taşıyorum." dedi. Stigmata, Yunanca stigma kelimesinin çoğuludur.

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