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8 de jul. de 2007 · Montreal. Canadian English/French. Jul 8, 2007. #1. I always thought the past tense of "spin" was "spun", with a "u". However, in my recent re-reading of The Hitch Hiker's Guide to the Galaxy (which is a great book that I highly recommend, by the way), I've come across a consistent use of "span" (with an "a") as the past tense of spin.
10 de ago. de 2010 · Mexico City. Mexico, Spanish. Aug 10, 2010. #1. Hola a todos, estoy traduciendo un documento sobre un fabricante de productos de papel para pañales y me encontré con el término "spunlace". Entiendo que es una "tela" fabricada a base de fibra de papel, pero no sé cómo traducir la palabra. ¿Alguna sugerencia?
18 de sept. de 2024 · french France. Sep 18, 2024. #3. (Urban dictionary) SPUN is a slang word typically used to refer to being high on hallucinogens (e.g., methamphetamine, LSD or magic mushrooms. SPUN may also be used to refer being in a mentally altered state for any reason, such as through the use (or lack) of legal medication, poisoning or a psychiatric condition.
11 de mar. de 2013 · UK English. Mar 11, 2013. #2. As the past participle, spinned in the sense of to spin something round should be regarded as non-standard. Spinned against is certainly used when it refers to political spin (=manipulation of the truth). For example, a headline from a newspaper reads "More spinned against than spinners".
27 de abr. de 2019 · Apr 27, 2019. #1. In "Harry Potter" ,book 1 there is sentence: WHAM! A roar of rage echoed from the Gryffindors below -- Marcus Flint had blocked Harry on purpose, and Harry's broom spun off course, Harry holding on for dear life. What is the meaning of "spun off course"?
15 de ene. de 2009 · Jan 15, 2009. #2. From Wiki Answers: "There are three commercial methods of spinning yarn into the product we see at the store. They are called Ring Spun, Rotor Spun, and Friction Spun. ... The fibers [in ring-spun yarn] are spun in a ring arrangement making it unnecessary for extra plies, so the yarn is much finer.
10 de mar. de 2020 · Mar 10, 2020. #1. "Let's get down to the tunnel mouth," said Peter; "then perhaps we shall see him coming along from the inside. I expect he felt spun-chuck, and rested in one of the manholes. I have read this in Nesbit's 'The Railway Children' This boy Peter speaks of is should have been out of the tunnel by this time.
11 de nov. de 2016 · Georgian. Nov 11, 2016. #1. Hi there. I was reading game of thrones and came across that word "spun away" and I could not understand what it means nor found any definition of it. here is context "The white knight raised his blade, too slowly. Hotah’s longaxe took his right arm off at the shoulder, spun away spraying blood,"
19 de mar. de 2012 · Mar 19, 2012. #1. Chicos ayudadme con esta frase, no se que quiere decir literalmente, pero me parece a mi que son recuerdos que le duelen. Jax stopped in his tracks and released his grip on Logan’s hand. He spun on his heals and leaned up into Logan’s face. Jax se detuvo en sus huellas y se soltó del agarre de la mano de Jax.
25 de abr. de 2015 · Apr 25, 2015. #1. I've spun quite the web. I would like to get to know the meaning of the above sentence. Here is an example: A: I'm gonna tell you the hugest secret on the planet, but you have to swear on our friendship you won't ever tell anyone. B: Okay. I swear on our friendship.