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Sleazemania Strikes Back es una película dirigida por Fred Olen Ray. Estrenada el 01/01/1985, protagonizada por Johnny Legend, Fred Olen Ray, Forrest J. Ackerman, Bobbie Bresee. Descubre...
Reparto de Sleazemania Strikes Back - una película dirigida por Fred Olen Ray. Estrenada el 01/01/1985, protagonizada por Johnny Legend, Fred Olen Ray, Forrest J. Ackerman, Bobbie Bresee.
1 de ene. de 1985 · Sleazemania Strikes Back es una película estrenada en el año 1985 dirigida por Fred Olen Ra . Está protagonizada por Johnny Legend, Fred Olen Ray, Forrest J. Ackerman...A compilation tape featuring trailers for and footage from low-budget sci-fi and exploitation films.
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Sleazemania Strikes Back (1985) — The Movie Database (TMDB) NR 01/01/1985 (US) Documentary 1h 8m. User. Score. What's your Vibe? More highlights and previews from the sleaziest, sexiest and sickest movies ever made! Overview. A compilation tape featuring trailers for and footage from low-budget sci-fi and exploitation films.
Sleazemania Strikes Back: Dirigido por Fred Olen Ray. Con Edward D. Wood Jr., Forrest J. Ackerman, Bobbie Bresee, Martin Nicholas. A compilation tape featuring trailers for and footage from low-budget sci-fi and exploitation films.
Visit the movie page for 'Sleazemania Strikes Back' on Moviefone. Discover the movie's synopsis, cast details and release date. Watch trailers, exclusive interviews, and movie review.