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  1. Biografía, carrera y vida personal de la actriz, modelo y diseñadora anglo estadounidense Sienna Miller. Conoce sus películas, sus relaciones, sus premios y su estilo de moda.

  2. Sienna Miller is an American-born British actress who rose to fame with roles in Layer Cake, Alfie, and Factory Girl. She has also appeared in films such as Foxcatcher, American Sniper, and The Lost City of Z, and TV shows such as The Girl and Anatomy of a Scandal.

  3. › name › nm1092227Sienna Miller - IMDb

    Sienna Miller. Actress: G.I. Joe: The Rise of Cobra. Sienna Rose Diana Miller was born in New York City, but was raised in London, United Kingdom. Her father, Edwin "Ed" Miller, who is American-born, is an investment banker and a dealer in Modern Chinese paintings.

  4. 30 de jun. de 2024 · Cuando Kevin Costner se puso en contacto por primera vez con Sienna Miller para que interpretara a una pionera en Horizon: Una saga americana, la actriz se sintió halagada.

  5. 26 de abr. de 2022 · La actriz confiesa en una larga entrevista con ‘The Guardian’ cómo los tabloides la espiaron hasta descubrir que estaba embarazada cuando tenía 23 años y cómo a menudo se sintió ...

  6. Sienna Miller. Actress: G.I. Joe: The Rise of Cobra. Sienna Rose Diana Miller was born in New York City, but was raised in London, United Kingdom. Her father, Edwin "Ed" Miller, who is American-born, is an investment banker and a dealer in Modern Chinese paintings.

  7. Sienna Miller is an American-born English actress who starred in films such as Layer Cake, Alfie, American Sniper, and The Girl. Learn more about her life, career, and achievements on The Movie Database (TMDB), the ultimate online source for movies and TV shows.

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