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  1. Shigeko Kubota (久保田 成子, Kubota Shigeko) (August 2, 1937 – July 23, 2015) was a Japanese video artist, sculptor and avant-garde performance artist, who mostly lived in New York City. She was one of the first artists to adopt the portable video camera Sony Portapak in 1970, likening it to a "new paintbrush."

  2. Shigeko Kubota, (久保田 成子 en japonés), nació en Niigata , 2 de agosto de 1937, † 23 de julio de 2015 en Nueva York (EE. UU.). Fue una artista informal y realizadora de vídeos, performances e instalaciones.

  3. Shigeko Kubota (久保田 成子, Kubota Shigeko) (August 2, 1937 – July 23, 2015) was a Japanese video artist, sculptor and avant-garde performance artist, who mostly lived in New York City. She was one of the first artists to adopt the portable video camera Sony Portapak in 1970, likening it to a "new paintbrush."

  4. Shigeko Kubota fue una artista de origen japonés, de las primeras mujeres en el videoarte y pionera en videoescultura y videoinstalación. Al arte de manipular imágenes y sonidos se le denomina videoarte.

  5. 5 de ago. de 2021 · In 1965 and while in her mid-twenties, Shigeko Kubota performed her most famous work, Vagina Painting.

  6. 19 de ago. de 2021 · Her pivotal video sculptures from the 1970s and ’80s, several of which are featured in the exhibition Shigeko Kubota: Liquid Reality, were among the first artworks to combine video technology with elements of the natural world, let alone sculptural form.

  7. 20 de sept. de 2020 · Shigeko Kubota es una de las artistas más emblemáticas del siglo XX, su obra ha sido referente para todos los jóvenes artistas que se aventuran en el videoarte, la escultura y el arte conceptual.