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Hace 10 horas · Seven is a film directed by David Fincher and starring Brad Pitt and Morgan Freeman as detectives investigating a serial killer based on the seven deadly sins. The film has a shocking twist ending and is considered a classic of the genre and a masterpiece of filmmaking.
27 de ago. de 2024 · Denzel Washington ha revelado que su decisión de rechazar Se7en se debió a que consideró que la historia era "demasiado demoníaca" y que no estaba preparado para sumergirse en una narrativa tan inquietante.
27 de ago. de 2024 · Espere crímenes intrigantes, detectives inteligentes, pistas falsas, revelaciones impactantes e incluso una buena dosis de humor negro de estas películas policíacas que deberían considerarse...
Hace 1 día · Se7en blends psychological horror and grim realism, as it revolves around a methodical killer, John Doe, who meticulously orchestrates his murders based on the seven deadly sins.
12 de ago. de 2024 · Se7en gaat over twee detectives die een reeks gruwelijke moorden onderzoeken die gebaseerd zijn op de zeven hoofdzonden. Terwijl ze de moorden onderzoeken worden ze steeds dieper meegesleept in de duistere wereld van de moordenaar.
20 de ago. de 2024 · Considering Se7en (1995) is a potpourri of both – a procedural investigative pulpy thriller, which then evolves into a psychological, nihilistic, bleak nightmare – there are movies in this list that are both focused on one of those aspects, mainly the nihilistic viewpoint.
Hace 4 días · Great Images from Great Movies #19 – “Se7en”. September 4, 2024 by Keith Garlington. 8. Truly great movies can leave indelible marks. It may be through an emotional connection to the story. It may be through a remarkable performance or a signature scene. But it can also be through the brilliant imagery a film can carve into your mind.