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  1. The Schoolgirl's Diary (or The Journal of a Schoolgirl) is a 2007 North Korean film directed by Jang In-hak. It debuted at the 2006 Pyongyang Film Festival as one of two films produced domestically that year, and was released in France at the end of 2007.

  2. Compartir. Información. Ver Cartel. Título Original: Ore 9: Lezione di chimica. Título Latino: A las 9, lección de química. Año | País: 1941 | Italia. Duración: 95 min. (1 h. 35 m.) Género: Drama. País: Italia. Año: 1941. Fecha de Estreno: 17 octubre 1947. Cinecittà Studios, Cinecittà, Rome, Lazio, Italy. Producción: Manenti Film Sp.A.

  3. Una adolescente viviendo en San Francisco en 1970, comienza a tener una relación con el novio de su madre.

  4. Schoolgirl Diary: Directed by Mario Mattoli. With Alida Valli, Irasema Dilián, Andrea Checchi, Giuditta Rissone. The girls of a college suspect one of them, Maria, of having an affair with Marini, a handsome chemistry teacher.

  5. › subject › 2264142女生日记 (豆瓣)

    女学生日记快要中学毕业的女学生秀莲和爸爸妈妈姐姐一起生活在乡下的一个小房子里。 不同于以往朝鲜影片,秀莲是个满脑子都是“西方享乐主义”思想的小姑娘,渴望住到城里的漂亮公寓里。 但是她有一个一心扑在科研工作上的研究员爸爸,跟一个经常在图书馆加班的妈妈,两人不奢望任何荣誉和地位,默默为自己的国家无私奉献。 对此,秀莲很有意见。 影片最后严格贯彻落实了金日成的“三突出、三结合”文艺理论,默默无闻的爸爸妈妈在平凡岗位上干出了大事业,深深震撼感动了“腐化”的秀莲,从此颠覆了她“自私虚荣”的世界观,开始转而追寻美好生活。 影片去年8月在朝鲜上映后,大约共计八百万民众前往观看,盛况空前。 并且成为朝鲜数十年来第一部卖给西方经销商的电影。

  6. The Schoolgirl's Diary is a 2006 film from North Korea that played at the Cannes Film Festival. It was lucky enough to be distributed internationally via a French company. It's one of only a handful of North Korean films to be shown commercially outside of that country.