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  1. 30 de abr. de 2024 · ¿Fue el primero en llegar al Polo Norte? La historia de Robert Peary, su vida, sus expediciones y sus reclamaciones, que siguen siendo motivo de debate. Conoce su trayectoria, sus logros y sus desafíos en el Ártico.

  2. 27 de abr. de 2024 · Los exploradores como Robert Peary, quien afirmó haber alcanzado el Polo Norte en 1909, han alimentado el imaginario colectivo y han colocado este punto en el mapa como el pináculo de las aventuras terrestres.

  3. Hace 6 días · En 1906, Robert E. Peary atraviesa la banquisa ártica en trineo y alcanza los 87° 06′ norte, el punto más septentrional jamás alcanzado por un hombre. Sin embargo, sus observaciones resultan dudosas.

  4. Hace 5 días · Those knowledgeable about Arctic exploration history will know that in 1909 a controversy erupted over whether Robert Peary or Frederick Cook was the first to reach the North Pole. The controversy continues to this day. What is less known is the extent to which the controversy was lampooned in books and magazines.

  5. 30 de abr. de 2024 · The Wildlife Conservation Society has shared 21 images to the public as a sampling of the collection, which include photos of now-extinct species, buildings no longer standing, and even Eskimo dogs...

  6. Hace 6 días · Henson accompanied Robert Peary on seven voyages to the Arctic, including the American explorer’s last and most famous expedition in 1908-09, on which Peary claimed to have reached the geographic North Pole. Henson was only recognized much later in his life for his many contributions to these expeditions.

  7. Hace 6 días · A postage stamp issued in 1959 commemorated both Robert Peary’s 1909 expedition to the North Pole and Nautilus’ under-ice transit almost half a century later. Joe Degnan might have changed ...

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