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  1. 22 de abr. de 2021 · But Richard Wright found it hard to talk to his daughter about race. “It’s like soldiers who go to war and then come back,” Julia Wright, who turns 79 this year, says in a phone interview ...

  2. Richard Wright. Richard Wright (Natchez, 4 settembre 1908 – Parigi, 28 novembre 1960) è stato uno scrittore statunitense.. È autore di romanzi di grande forza, talvolta discussi, nonché di racconti e saggi. Gran parte dei suoi testi riguardano temi razziali.La sua opera ha contribuito a ridefinire le discussioni sulle relazioni razziali in America alla metà del XX secolo.

  3. Richard Wright - Turner Prize WINNER 2009

  4. › wiki › Black_BoyBlack Boy - Wikipedia

    Black Boy (1945) is a memoir by American author Richard Wright, detailing his upbringing.Wright describes his youth in the South: Mississippi, Arkansas and Tennessee, and his eventual move to Chicago, where he establishes his writing career and becomes involved with the Communist Party. Black Boy gained high acclaim in the United States because of Wright's honest and profound depiction of ...

  5. リチャード・ライト(英語: Richard Wright 、1943年 7月28日 - 2008年 9月15日)は、イギリスのミュージシャン。 愛称は「 リック (Rick)」。 ロックバンド「 ピンク・フロイド 」の元 キーボーディスト [1] 。

  6. Rick Wright是一个在Pink Floyd团体中一直被低估的角色 (之一,当然还有Nick). 相比很多同时代的keyboardist,例如同样是Prog Rock Band,Genesis的Tony Banks会带来非常具有表现力、甚至炫技且非常冗长的键盘solo,Rick的演奏要 低调很多. 很多时候,Rick的part是作为 陪衬 出现 ...

  7. 7 de may. de 2021 · When the novelist and poet Margaret Walker looked at Richard Wright, a man she loved completely, she worried that he capitulated too easily to the violence. But he, a child of the Black Belt, was ...

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