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  1. Richard III: The New Evidence. Modern scoliosis sufferer Dominic Smee and a team of scientists and medieval warfare experts embark on an extraordinary journey to reveal new research that's changing our knowledge of a defamed medieval king, the medical condition that twisted his spine and the extraordinary history of the land he ruled.

  2. 6 de ago. de 2014 · 6 August 2014. In a world exclusive in February last year, Channel 4 broadcast a film that followed the extraordinary hunt for Richard III – the king discovered, against all the odds, under a ...

  3. Richard III: The New Evidence : otras recomendaciones - Página 2 . Descubre películas del mismo género y temáticas que Richard III: The New Evidence . Te dejamos un listado de películas que podrían interesarte si te gustó Richard III: The New Evidence o estás buscando algo en la misma linea.