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  1. West, Rebecca. 978-84-936887-1-4. Epílogo de Juan Benet Traducción de Panteleimón ZarínEl significado de la traición (1949, 1965, 1982) es un documentado y fascinante estudio sobre la traición y sus implicaciones éticas y morales. Centrado en un primer momento en los fascistas británicos que, como William Joyce («Lord Haw-Haw») y Jo...

  2. 2 de oct. de 2018 · Rebecca West (December 21, 1892 – March 15, 1983), British novelist, journalist, and essayist, was born Cicely Isabel Fairfield in County Kerry, Ireland. Her mother was a pianist; her father, a would-be journalist and ne’er-do-well, abandoned his family when she was eight years old, after which they moved to Edinburgh, Scotland.

  3. 12 de nov. de 2019 · “If during the next million generations there is but one human being born in every generation who will not cease to inquire into the nature of his fate, even while it strips and bludgeons him, some day we shall read the riddle of our universe,” the great English writer and feminist Rebecca West (December 21, 1892–March 15, 1983) wrote as she contemplated suffering, survival, and the will ...

  4. Es el caso de Rebecca West con The Return of the Soldier ( El regreso del soldado, trad. de Laura Vidal, Madrid, Herce, 2008), una novela corta absolutamente excepcional, una obra maestra impecable a la que, sin embargo, sigue a cierta distancia su también reconocida Aubrey Trilogy, de contenido autobiográfico.

  5. 23 de jul. de 2016 · Der 100 Jahre alte Roman "Die Rückkehr" der Britin Rebecca West ist eine großartige Entdeckung. Ein Mittdreißiger leidet durch ein Trauma aus dem Ersten Weltkrieg unter Gedächtnisverlust: ...

  6. 17 de may. de 2014 · A new biography by Lorna Gibb glosses over West's writing to focus on her remarkable, tumultuous 20th-century life. Reviewer Michael Schaub says the book is well-researched, yet reads like a novel.

  7. 6 de abr. de 2013 · West once said that she wrote her novels to find out what she felt, not to display what she knew. This is a gift for the biographer, but there is almost no analysis here of the truths revealed in ...