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  1. Randall William "Randy" Rhoads, más conocido como Randy Rhoads (Santa Mónica, 6 de diciembre de 1956 - 19 de marzo de 1982), fue un guitarrista estadounidense de hard rock y heavy metal. Es conocido por su trabajo con la banda Quiet Riot a fines de la década de 1970, y luego con Ozzy Osbourne a principios de la década de 1980.

  2. › wiki › Randy_RhoadsRandy Rhoads - Wikipedia

    Randall William Rhoads (December 6, 1956 – March 19, 1982) was an American guitarist. He was the co-founder and original guitarist of the heavy metal band Quiet Riot, and the guitarist and co-songwriter for Ozzy Osbourne 's first two solo albums Blizzard of Ozz (1980) and Diary of a Madman (1981).

  3. 19 de mar. de 2024 · En una entrevista de 2021 con The Metal Voice (a través de Ultimate Guitar), Max Norman, productor de los tres primeros discos de Ozzy Osbourne en solitario, habló de la muerte del legendario guitarrista Randy Rhoads, que perdió la vida en un accidente de avión, a los 25 años, en marzo de 1982, hace hoy 42 años.

  4. One of the greatest guitarists ever, Randy Rhoads gave us some of heavy metal’s most recognizable guitar riffs and influenced generations of guitar gods.

  5. 1 de feb. de 2012 · Each one of the last 30 years, a new wave of teenage metal dudes has discovered those two landmark Ozzy albums; found themselves mesmerised by the guitar playing of the forever 25-year-old Randy Rhoads. Kathy Rhoads ends our interview by telling me how every March 19 she and Kelle always go out to the cemetery where Randy is buried.

  6. 21 de abr. de 2022 · Randy Rhoads one of the greatest guitar players who ever lived was taken too soon and his story remains a mystery. In this documentary we experience the life...

  7. 8 de sept. de 2020 · The rock star was reveling in the success of a solo career, when the unimaginable happened, ending the life of his close friend and musical confidante Randy Rhoads.

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