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  1. Prometheus was the second project accepted into the Cloud Native Computing Foundation after Kubernetes, and also the second to graduate. The Prometheus monitoring system includes a rich, multidimensional data model, a concise and powerful query language called PromQL, an efficient embedded time series database, and over 150 integrations with third-party systems.

  2. 17 de mar. de 2012 · Get Tickets! the distant future, two superpowers control Earth and fight each other for all the solar system's...

  3. Prometheus. Prometheus is a free software application used for event monitoring and alerting. [2] It records metrics in a time series database (allowing for high dimensionality) built using an HTTP pull model, with flexible queries and real-time alerting. [3] [4] The project is written in Go and licensed under the Apache 2 License, with source ...

  4. 18 de mar. de 2012 · Ridley Scott, director de "Alien" y "Blade Runner", vuelve al género que ayudó a crear. Con PROMETHEUS, crea una extraordinaria mitología, en la que un equip...

  5. Prométheus (řecky Προμηθέας) je podle řecké mytologie Titán, syn Titána Íapeta a Titánky Themis, nebo podle některých zdrojů Klymené – stvořitel člověka, kterému přidělil oheň, za což byl potrestán bohem Diem. Jednou Zeus chtěl, aby lidé uctívali bohy a něco jim obětovali. Prométheus mu řekl, že si má ...

  6. The Prometheus server is a single binary called prometheus (or prometheus.exe on Microsoft Windows). We can run the binary and see help on its options by passing the --help flag../prometheus --help usage: prometheus [<flags>] The Prometheus monitoring server . . . Before starting Prometheus, let's configure it. Configuring Prometheus

  7. Enable Prometheus's dimensional data model to identify any given combination of labels for the same metric name. It identifies a particular dimensional instantiation of that metric (for example: all HTTP requests that used the method POST to the /api/tracks handler). The query language allows filtering and aggregation based on these dimensions.

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