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  1. Jackson Pollock, Number 32, 1950: Die Malerei als Gegenwart. Frankfurt, 1996, pp. 22, 30, 58, figs. 19 (Namuth studio photo), 32. Matthew Rampley. "Identity and Difference: Jackson Pollock and the Ideology of the Drip." Oxford Art Journal 19 (1996), pp. 87–88. Carter Ratcliff. The Fate of a Gesture: Jackson Pollock and Postwar American Art.

  2. 30 de ene. de 2023 · Pollock abandonó su casa con tan solo 8 años y su hermano mayor, Charles, intentó asumir el papel de cabeza de familia lo mejor que pudo. “Mamá, de mayor quiero ser artista” Con 16 años, Jackson dejó el instituto y se trasladó a Los Ángeles con su madre para estudiar en la Manual Arts High School, una escuela dedicada a las artes.

  3. Jackson Pollock was at the height of his career when he made One: Number 31, 1950.One of three wall-size paintings he produced in swift succession in the summer and fall of 1950, it is a field of densely interlaced threads of paint offset by pools and splashes of color. He began by laying canvas on the floor and pouring, dribbling, and flicking enamel paint onto its surface, sometimes straight ...

  4. Jackson Pollock (1912-1956) foi um artista estadunidense muito importante para o universo das artes na primeira metade do século XX. Pode ser considerado um dos criadores do expressionismo abstrato ou action painting. Essa vertente da arte valorizava, sobretudo, o impulso espontâneo, além de dar grande importância para o movimento corporal e gestual no momento da criação da obra.

  5. The 1950s saw considerable changes in both Pollock's work and personal life. He began avoiding color in 1951, and started painting exclusively in black, though with alcoholism taking over his life, his productivity steadily declined. The Deep evokes a chasm - an abyss either to be avoided or to get lost inside.

  6. Paul Jackson Pollock was an American painter and a major figure in the abstract expressionist movement. He was widely noticed for his "drip technique" of pouring or splashing liquid household paint onto a horizontal surface, enabling him to view and paint his canvases from all angles. It was also called all-over painting and action painting ...

  7. Marrón y plata I, la única obra de Pollock en la colección del Museo Thyssen-Bornemisza, pertenece a esta serie de Pinturas negras, realizadas entre 1950 y 1953 con un bote de esmalte negro y lienzos sin preparación. En una fotografía del estudio de Pollock, tomada en 1951 por Hans Namuth, aparece Marrón y plata I junto a Marrón y plata ...

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