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  1. Since 1987, the watch brand of the couturier Pierre Balmain, offers you its Swiss technology in tradition and High Elegance. Pierre Balmain Watches Home Page I agree that this Website uses cookies and similar technologies for providing me this Website and its functionalities, for obtaining insights about its use and for providing me relevant advertisements.

  2. Pierre Balmain processes the data collected to send you our newsletter. To find out more about how we manage your personal data and to exercise your rights, please refer to our privacy policy. *Mandatory information: If you choose not to give your consent for the collection of mandatory data you will not be able to subscribe to the newsletter.

  3. Pierre Balmain processes the data collected to send you our newsletter. To find out more about how we manage your personal data and to exercise your rights, please refer to our privacy policy. *Mandatory information: If you choose not to give your consent for the collection of mandatory data you will not be able to subscribe to the newsletter.

  4. | 발망 공식 웹사이트 ... Pierre Balmain이 1945년 설립한 파리지엔 브랜드인 Balmain은 기능적이던 패션 코드를 혁신하여, 럭셔리한 엠브로이더리와 슬림 룩을 통해 세련된 스타일의 여성 패션을 추구해왔습니다.

  5. Fondata da Pierre Balmain nel 1945, la maison Balmain si pose fin da subito in netto contrasto con la moda dell’epoca, votata alla funzionalità, imponendo uno stile audace e femminile che portava la sontuosa firma di Monsieur Balmain. Il DNA della maison, originale e ultra-femminile, si rispecchiava nei tessuti riccamente ornati, negli abiti a vita stretta e nelle gonne più lunghe e spesso ...

  6. Im Jahr 1945 gründete Pierre Balmain die gleichnamige Maison. Mit einem kühnen, femininen und raffinierten Stil, bei dem Stickereien, eine eng anliegende Taille und imposante Röcke im Vordergrund stehen, repräsentierte diese von Beginn an das Gegenteil der damaligen Mode. Diese starke, charakteristische Weiblichkeit des Pariser Modehauses wurde schnell zum Liebling der Prominenz in Europa ...

  7. Balmain was founded in 1945 by Pierre Balmain. From the outset, Monsieur Balmain’s boldly feminine and opulent signature style offered a startling contrast to the utilitarian looks of the day, creating a distinctive, super-feminine DNA for the house, which relied on richly embroidered fabrics, nipped-in waists and longer, often fuller skirts—and quickly transforming the Parisian house into ...

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