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  1. 20 de dic. de 2022 · Phillipa Coan is a business psychologist and sustainability activist who married actor Jude Law in 2019. She met him through mutual friends and has a passion for helping organizations prioritize employee engagement and behavior change. She is also the founder of Stride, a business consultancy that advises on sustainability.

  2. 2 de may. de 2019 · Jude Law is now married to Phillipa Coan, according to multiple reports. The star of The Young Pope has reportedly been dating Coan since 2015. In February 2019, E!

  3. 22 de feb. de 2023 · febrero 22, 2023 6:19 pm EST. En el medio del espectáculo hay familias numerosas y la de Jude Law. El actor británico ya era cabeza de una gran ‘tribu’, y ahora le ha dado la bienvenida a su...

  4. 1 de may. de 2019 · The actor and the business psychologist tied the knot in a low-key ceremony at The Old Marylebone Town Hall in 2019. This is Law's second marriage and Coan's first.

  5. 20 de may. de 2020 · Jude Law y su mujer, la psicóloga Phillipa Coan, esperan su primer hijo. Un año después de casarse en una ceremonia íntima, la pareja se une al selecto club de famosos que han hecho realidad...

  6. 27 de abr. de 2023 · Phillipa Coan is a chartered psychologist and behavioral expert who founded STRIDE, a company focused on workplace engagement and sustainability. She married Jude Law in 2019 after eight years of dating and has two children with the actor.

  7. 15 de sept. de 2020 · El actor británico Jude Law ha anunciado que él y su esposa, la psicóloga Phillipa Coan, de 32 años, han dado la bienvenida al mundo a su primer bebé juntos, durante la cuarentena. El nacimiento del bebé se ha confirmado en el programa The Tonight Show, con una broma de Law sobre su familia numerosa.