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  1. Peter Lawrence Boyle (18 de octubre de 1935-12 de diciembre de 2006) fue un actor estadounidense ganador de un Premio Emmy en 1996 por su papel de actor invitado en la serie The X-Files. Boyle es conocido también por su participación en la serie Everybody Loves Raymond como Frank Barone y por películas como El jovencito Frankenstein o Taxi ...

  2. › wiki › Peter_BoylePeter Boyle - Wikipedia

    Peter Lawrence Boyle (October 18, 1935 – December 12, 2006) was an American actor. He is known for his character actor roles in film and television and received several awards including a Primetime Emmy Award and a Screen Actors Guild Award.

  3. › name › nm0001967Peter Boyle - IMDb

    Peter Boyle. A bold, blunt instrument of hatred and violence at the onset of his film career, Peter Boyle recoiled from that repugnant, politically incorrect "working class" image to eventually play gruff, gentler bears and even comedy monsters in a career that lasted four decades.

  4. 14 de dic. de 2006 · Peter Boyle, who left the life of a Roman Catholic student brother to study acting and went on to become one of the most successful character actors of his time in films like “Joe,” “Young...

  5. Mini Bio. A bold, blunt instrument of hatred and violence at the onset of his film career, Peter Boyle recoiled from that repugnant, politically incorrect "working class" image to eventually play gruff, gentler bears and even comedy monsters in a career that lasted four decades.

  6. 18 de dic. de 2006 · Peter Boyle, the actor who transformed from an angry workingman in “Joe” to a tap-dancing monster in “Young Frankenstein” and finally the comically grouchy father on “Everybody Loves Raymond,” has...

  7. 12 de dic. de 2006 · Peter Lawrence Boyle, Jr. (October 18, 1935 – December 12, 2006) was an American actor, best known for his role as Frank Barone on the sitcom Everybody Loves Raymond, and as a comical monster in Mel Brooks' film spoof Young Frankenstein (1974).