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  1. Peabody High School was a public school in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, in the neighborhood of East Liberty. The school opened in 1911 in the renovated former Margaretta Street elementary school and was rededicated in honor of Highland Park physician Dr. Benjamin Helm Peabody.

  2. Peabody High School era una escuela pública en Pittsburgh, Pensilvania, en el barrio de East Liberty. La escuela abrió en 1911 en la antigua escuela primaria de Margaretta Street renovada y fue reinaugurada en honor al médico de Highland Park, el Dr. Benjamin Helm Peabody.

  3. Peabody High School. Peabody High School was named in honor of Dr. Benjamin Helme Peabody, a prominent East Liberty physician. The former Margaretta Elementary School, remodeled and expanded in 1911, was an early addition to the expanding Peabody student enrollment.

  4. Peabody High Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania provides school news, reunion and graduation information, alumni listings and more for former students and faculty of Peabody HS in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.

  5. In the fall of 1911, the Peabody High School opened. It was named for Dr. Benjamin H. Peabody who was the president of the former Hiland-Sub School District and a prominent Highland Park physician. In 2012, the school building began its present life as PPS's flagship Barack Obama Academy.

  6. 1 de ene. de 2011 · Peabody High School was a public school in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, in the neighborhood of East Liberty. The school opened in 1911 after the renovations of the former Margaretta Street elementary school and was rededicated in honor of Highland Park Doctor Benjamin H. Peabody.

  7. 29 de feb. de 2024 · The Pittsburgh Public Schools board Wednesday gave the go-ahead to an effort to rehabilitate the Peabody High School WWI memorial and the outdoor classroom where it is located outside what is now Obama Academy in East Liberty.