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    relacionado con: Paul Theroux
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  1. Biografía, obra y premios del escritor estadounidense Paul Theroux, autor de novelas y libros de viajes. Conoce sus viajes en tren por diferentes continentes, su amistad con V. S. Naipaul y sus críticas literarias.

  2. Autor americano, Paul Theroux estudió en la Universidad de Maine y en la de Massachusetts, donde se especializó en Literatura Inglesa. A lo largo de su carrera Theroux ha publicado tanto novela como relato y ensayo, siendo especialmente conocido por sus libros de viaje.

  3. › wiki › Paul_TherouxPaul Theroux - Wikipedia

    Paul Theroux is an American novelist and travel writer who has written numerous books, including The Great Railway Bazaar and The Mosquito Coast. He was born in 1941, joined the Peace Corps in 1963, and has lived in various countries and continents.

  4. www.paultheroux.comPaul Theroux

    Visit the official website of Paul Theroux, the acclaimed travel writer and novelist. Learn about his latest book, Burma Sahib, and his collaboration with Francisco Toledo on El Palenque.

  5. Learn about Paul Theroux, the world-renowned travel writer and novelist, who has won the Royal Medal and the Whitbread Prize. Explore his books, from The Great Railway Bazaar to Figures in a Landscape, and his archive at the Huntington Library.

  6. 23 de ago. de 2024 · Paul Theroux is an American novelist and travel writer known for his highly personal observations on many locales. His works include the novels The Mosquito Coast (1982) and Under the Wave at Waimea (2021) and the travel books The Great Railway Bazaar (1975) and Deep South (2015).

  7. Explore the works of Paul Theroux, one of the most acclaimed travel writers of our time. Browse his novels, nonfiction, essays, and short stories on various themes and destinations.

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