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  1. 德国作曲家,理论家,教师,中提琴家,指挥家。出生于德国法兰克福附近的哈瑙。他从小就喜欢音乐,9岁开始学小提琴,1915年被法兰克福歌剧院乐团聘为第一小提琴手。1927年欣德米特受聘担任柏林高等音乐学校作曲教授,于是逐渐淡出舞台,转而致力于作曲、指挥和音乐教育,欣德米特开始为 ...

  2. › wiki › Paul_HindemithPaul Hindemith - Vikipedi

    Paul Hindemith (d. 16 Kasım 1895 Hanau, Almanya - ö. 28 Aralık 1963 Frankfurt) bir Alman besteci, kemancı, viyola çalıcısı, eğitimci, müzik teoricisi ve orkestra şefidir.. Çağdaş dönemin ve Alman müzik sanatının önde gelen isimlerinden birisidir. 1930'larda Türk hükûmetinin ve özellikle Atatürk'ün, özel davetiyle Türkiye'ye gelerek müzik eğitimine katkılarda bulundu.

  3. Often dismissed today as a dry neo-classicist, the German composer Paul Hindemith was in fact one of the most visionary figures of his time, says John Allison. Here he explores his life and works

  4. It is a real pleasure to have all one's things together again after so many long years. Of course there's still a lot to do before everything is in good order, but getting to that point is fun too. The address is just: Blonay. ©. In 1953 Paul and Gertrud Hindemith moved into the Villa La Chance in Blonay, Switzerland, above Lake Geneva.

  5. In 1953 Paul and Gertrud Hindemith moved into the Villa La Chance in Blonay above Lake Geneva in Switzerland. The address of this refuge was known only to their closest friends and relatives. Today, Hindemith's private library, his picture collection and a few other objects, such as his grand piano, are kept and made accessible at the Musicological Institute of the University of Zurich, his ...

  6. Paul Hindemith gehört zu den bedeutendsten Repräsentanten der Musik des 20. Jahrhunderts. Der Durchbruch gelingt ihm 1921 bei den ersten «Donaueschinger Kammermusiktagen». Hier rückt er als Komponist über Nacht an die Spitze der musikalischen Avantgarde in Deutschland und begründet zugleich seinen Ruf als international renommierter ...

  7. Paul Hindemith wird am 16. November 1895 als Sohn eines Handwerkers und einer Magd in Hanau geboren. Die Kindheit erlebt er als eine Zeit voller Entbehrungen und überaus strenger Erziehung. Seine musikalische Begabung wird früh erkannt. Als Zwölfjähriger beginnt er am Hoch'schen Konservatorium in Frankfurt mit dem Violinstudium. weiter

  1. Búsquedas relacionadas con Paul Hindemith

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