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  1. Patricia McCormick. Patricia McCormick (born May 23, 1956) is an American journalist and writer of realistic fiction for young adults. She has twice been a finalist for the National Book Award.

  2. Patricia McCormick, a two-time National Book Award finalist, is the author of several critically acclaimed novels – including Never Fall Down, the true story of a boy who survived the Killing Fields of Cambodia by playing music for the Khmer Rouge, and SOLD, a moving account of sexual trafficking.

  3. Biografía de Patricia McCormick. Autora y articulista americana, Patricia McCormick es conocida por sus libros dedicados a un público juvenil, además de por sus colaboraciones con medios como el New York Times, Ladies Home Journal o el Reader's Digest. En 2014 publicó Malala.

  4. Learn about Patricia McCormick, a two-time National Book Award finalist and the author of several acclaimed books for young adults. Find out about her background, her writing process, her book guides, and her author visits.

  5. "Cut, a debut novel by Patricia McCormick, is one of the best young-adult novels in years. Riveting and hopeful, sweet, heartbreaking.” — Boston Globe “A vivid and inspiring first novel … deft and fascinating … part mystery story and part adolescent drama.” — The New York Times

  6. 1 de sept. de 2006 · 5 Stars for Sold (audiobook) by Patricia McCormick read by Justine Eyre. This is the tragic story of a young girl from Nepal whose family has sold her and she ends up in India in a house of prostitution.

  7. Patricia McCormick is a journalist and writer. She graduated from Rosemont College in 1978, followed by an M.S. from Columbia University Graduate School of Journalism in 1986 and an M.F.A. from New School University in 1999. Her first novel for teens was Cut, about a young woman who self-injures herself.