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  1. 欧文出生于美国德州达拉斯,爱尔兰裔美国人,家庭信仰罗马天主教。母亲劳拉·康宁汉·威尔逊是一名知名摄影师,父亲罗伯特·安德鲁·威尔逊是一名广告行政人员及一间公共电视台的导播。欧文曾进入兰普莱特学校就读,2005年曾经造访母校;也曾就读德州圣马克学校,不过在高一时期因为了数学 ...

  2. 歐文·威爾森(英語: Owen Wilson ,1968年11月18日 — ),美國男演員和編劇,曾經以2001年電影《天才一族》的劇本入圍奧斯卡 最佳原創劇本獎。 不過威爾森最有名的還是他所演出的喜劇作品,如2001年電影《名模大間諜》(Zoolander)與2005年的《婚禮終結者》,以及讓他獲得金球獎最佳男演員提名的 ...

  3. 11 de dic. de 2023 · In an interview with LA Times, Owen Wilson shared that he broke his nose two separate times in his youth. The first break was in a "high school scuffle" at St. Mark's High School in Dallas, where he grew up.Of his teen years, Wilson also shared that he was expelled from school for cheating, and refused to identify his cohort — though he would later name him as a character in one of his movies.

  4. Actor Owen Wilson sits down with Ben Mankiewicz to discuss his latest film, “Paint.” Then, Conor Knighton takes a trip to Wisconsin to learn about the Americ...

  5. Filmaffinity es una web de votación y recomendación personalizada de películas y series, una red social y diario del cine y las series con votaciones, listas y críticas, y una página de consulta de cartelera, horarios de entradas de cine y una web con toda la información de todas las plataformas y recomendaciones personales basadas en tus gustos.

  6. › wiki › Owen_WilsonOwen Wilson - Vikipedi

    Owen Wilson, 2008. Owen Cunningham Wilson (d. 18 Kasım 1968; Dallas, Teksas), [1] Amerikalı oyuncu ve senarist. En çok The Haunting ve The Royal Tenenbaums adlı filmlerdeki rolleriyle tanınır. [2] Tenenbaum Ailesi filmi için yazdığı senaryo ile Oscar'a aday gösterilmiştir. İrlanda asıllıdır. [3] Kardeşi Luke Wilson da kendisi gibi oyuncudur.

  7. › celebrity › owen_wilsonOwen Wilson - Rotten Tomatoes

    Explore the filmography of Owen Wilson on Rotten Tomatoes! Discover ratings, reviews, and more. Click for details!

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