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  1. Noor-onu-Nisa Inayat Khan, GC (n. 1 ianuarie 1914 , Moscova , Imperiul Rus – d. 13 septembrie 1944 , Lagărul de concentrare Dachau , Bavaria , Germania Nazistă ), sau Nora Inayat Khan , a fost o eroină britanică a celui de- Al Doilea Război Mondial renumită pentru serviciile ei în slujba serviciului de spionaj britanic numit Special Operations Executive .

  2. The descendant of Indian royalty Noor Inayat Khan, known as Nora Baker, was a British spy who was sent to occupied France in World War Two as a secret agent, only to have her life brutally cut short at the hands of the Gestapo. She was born Noor-un-Nissa Inayat Khan on 1st January 1914 in Moscow, to an Indian Muslim father and American mother.

  3. 13 de ago. de 2020 · One such agent was Noor-un-Nisa Inayat-Khan. Code named ‘Madeleine’, Noor landed by plane one dark night in June 1943 in northern France. Armed with her ‘L-pill’, ...

  4. Discover Noor's Story Watch our video and read the timeline below to find out how Noor became an undercover agent. You can find out more about Noor's life and her actions during the war through our digital exhibition: Noor Inayat-Khan: A woman of conspicuous courage. Think you've got what it takes to become an undercover agent?

  5. 18 de feb. de 2015 · Noor-un-Nisa Inayat Khan nació el 1 de enero de 1914 en Moscú, capital de la entonces Rusia Imperial. Noor era la mayor de los cuatro hijos de Hazrat Inayat Khan y Ora Meena Ray Baker Noor. Hazrat, descendiente de sultares indios, era músico y maestro de sufismo. Su madre, Ora, era una estadounidense que había conocido a Hazrat en uno de ...

  6. 8 de nov. de 2012 · Noor Inayat Khan's great-great-great-grandfather was Tipu Sultan, an 18th Century Muslim ruler of Mysore. He refused to submit to British rule and was killed in battle in 1799.

  7. 努尔·艾娜雅特·汗(Noor Inayat Khan,1914年—1944年9月12日),又译努尔·伊纳亚特·汗,英国特工。她出生于印度南部一个王公之家,是印度公主,从小随家人移居法国。二战初期法国遭德国入侵时,她和家人在法国投降前逃到了英国。她能讲一口流利的法语和英语,因为她良好的语言素质,被英国 ...