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  1. Hace 5 días · Shiddat Episode 29 [Eng Sub] Muneeb Butt Anmol Baloch - Digitally Presented by PEL - 24 Apr 2024. ... Digitally Presented by PEL - 24 Apr 2024.

  2. Hace 5 días · The use of technologically mediated (e.g. video) social modelling paradigms could assess the role of participant gender in response to social modelling without. the physical presence of a model. However, studies that have used video social modelling. [18–20] have included only female models and participants.

  3. Hace 4 días · Ово је ноцебо ефекат – „лоша страна“ плацеба. Термин потиче од латинске речи „ноцере“, што значи „нашкодити“ и први пут је коришћен за описивање штетних ефеката изазваних очекивањима ...

  4. Hace 4 días · While placebos are usually prescribed clinically for the benefit of the patient, they can lead to “adverse effects” or harmful effects similar to any active therapy. The term placebo effect is used to refer to the beneficial effects of the placebo, while nocebo effect refers to the harmful effects. Again, this definition is not ...