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    relacionado con: Nicholas Lea

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  1. Nicholas Lea (nacido el 22 de junio de 1962, Nicholas Christopher Herbert) es un actor canadiense conocido por su trabajo en The X-Files como Alex Krycek y en Kyle XY como Tom Foss.

  2. › wiki › Nicholas_LeaNicholas Lea - Wikipedia

    Nicholas Lea is a Canadian actor known for his roles in The X-Files, Kyle XY, and Whistler. He has also appeared in films such as Vertical Limit, Guido Superstar, and The Lie.

  3. › name › nm0494774Nicholas Lea - IMDb

    Nicholas Lea is a Canadian actor and producer, best known for his roles in Vertical Limit, The X-Files and Chaos. He was born in 1962 in New Westminster, British Columbia, and served in the Canadian Navy.

  4. Nicholas Lea is a Canadian actor and producer, best known for his role as Alex Krycek in The X-Files. He was born in 1962, served in the navy, and was the lead singer of a rock band.

  5. 15 de oct. de 2021 · Watch Nicholas Lea, who played Alex Krycek on The X-Files, talk about his role, Russian lessons, fans, conventions, and the show's legacy. This is a Zoom interview from a fan project featuring over 70 cast and crew members of The X-Files.

  6. Nicholas Lea is a versatile actor who has appeared in various genres and roles, from sci-fi to comedy. He is best known for his roles as Alex Krycek in The X-Files, Tom Foss in Kyle XY, and Detective Rodney Barnes in The Lie.

  7. Biografía de Nicholas Lea y su filmografía, todas sus películas: Expediente X (4ª temporada), Expediente X (3ª temporada), Expediente X, Expediente X (5ª temporada), CSI: Las Vegas (5ª temporada)